Skin Care Trends To Watch In 2025 (2025)

Posted by Nikki Wisher on Jan 9th 2025

Welcome to an exciting new year! We have 12 months ofpossibilities ahead, including possibilities to see how your hobbies andinterests grow and change. If you have skin care in your sights for 2025, youmight already be speculating about what fun new trends and advancements we’llsee this year. While we don’t have a crystal ball, we do have an in-depthknowledge of the skin care world, so let’s take a look at some of the trendsthat we expect to thrive in 2025.

Simpler Skin Care Routines with Not-So-Simple Products

Unless you enjoy your skin care routine as some self-caretime each day, you probably don’t want to spend extra time in the morning andat night layering product after product on your face. The year ahead will be agreat one for simplifying your skin care routine without having to give upthings like anti-aging and color correction thanks to multitasking products.

I’m talking about a serum that hydrateswhile it de-ages or a moisturizer that also enhances your skin tone. Thanksto advancements in skin care science, there are more and more of thesemultitasking products on the market so you can get everything you want for yourskin without a dozen different products.

Bold Biotech

Speaking of improvements in skin care science, biotechnologyis having a serious moment in skin care. If you’re not up on the lingo,biotechnology or biotech involves harnessing the benefits of living organismslike plants and animals rather than artificial chemicals. Biotech is thrivingand skin care brands are taking full advantage to give you better products.

Take PDRN for example – you might have heard of the viralsalmon sperm facial, and even if the idea of that treatment isn’t appealing,there are products on the rise that use PDRN, a compound found in salmon DNA,that can give you benefits without the sperm itself. PDRN is just one exampleof new biotech that’s taking the skin care world by storm.

Leveling Up Body Care

Just about all of us are guilty of focusing most of our skincare on our face and mostly blowing off the health of our skin, well,everywhere else. Based on rising trends, though, we’re going to see moreemphasis on full body skin care in 2025. Skin care brands are releasing newlyadvanced body care products, so whether your skin needs hydration, toning,smoothing, or something else, chances are there’s something new and shiny onthe shelves that you’ll love.

Overnight Masks

In 2024, there was a massive trend that developed –overnight beauty. Heatless curl systems are everywhere, and people are tryingout all kinds of other overnight beauty products like under eye patches andmouth tape and more. This trend doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, and skincare is getting more involved in this too with overnightmasks. Unlike most masks which you might leave on for 10 or 15 minutes,these are masks you leave on all night while you sleep. There are overnightmasks for a wide variety of skin goals so try one out and see if this could bea new addition to your nighttime routine.

Bringing Skin Treatments Home

Who doesn’t love a good spa day, getting pampered and givingyour skin some TLC? In recent years there’s been a growing trend of at-homeskin care tools that let you bring the spa home with you. There are home laserhair removal devices, red light therapy wands, rollers,and microcurrent wands to name a few. There are even home chemical peels too,and we expect to see more of these types of spa-at-home tools in 2025.

Keep in mind, though, that these tools aren’t the same asthose that providers use in professional skin care offices and spas.Professional tools require training and certification, and home tools aredesigned to be far less powerful so that they’re safe for most people to usefor themselves. So while these devices can be great for your skin, it’simportant to understand that they’re not the same thing as professional skintreatments.

Gentle Aging

You might have seen some chatter recently about celebritiesquitting their fillers and otherwise going more natural with their look. Thisis a trend that’s spreading among us non-celebs too. There’s a growing emphasison skin health and protection from premature aging rather than using lessnatural techniques like extreme fillers and intense procedures. It’s all aboutaiming to look healthy and happy at any age, not necessarily trying to look asyoung as possible. Preventative care like dailysunscreen and moisturizer are huge.

Getting Your Skin Care in Check in 2025

It’s fun to watch and try out new skin caretrends, but ultimately remember that everyone’s skin is different and not everytrend will work for you. This year, listen to your skin and give it the careand products that make it look and feel its best. Happy New Year to all!

Skin Care Trends To Watch In 2025 (2025)


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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.